BC's Economytoday

Currency:1 Indian Rupee (INR) (₨) = 100 Paise
Fiscal year: April 1–March 31
Trade organisations: WTO, SAFTA
GDP (PPP): $3.305 trillion (2008 est.)
GDP growth: 7.1% (2008-2009)
GDP per capita: $2,600 (PPP)
GDP by sector
agriculture: 17.8%, industry: 29.4%, services: 52.8% (2007 est.)
Inflation (CPI): 0.7% (CPI) (feb 2009)
Populationbelow poverty line:: 27.5% (2008 est.)
Labour force: 516.4 million (2007 est.)
Labour forceby occupation
agriculture: 60%, industry: 12%, services: 28% (2003)
Unemployment: 7.2% (2007 est.)
Main industries:
textiles, chemicals, food processing, steel, transportation equipment, cement, mining, petroleum, machinery, software, services
$163 billion (Financial Year 2007-2008)
Export goods:
petroleum products, textile goods, gems and jewelry, engineering goods, chemicals, leather manufactures
Main export partners
US 15%, the People's Republic of China 8.7%, UAE 8.7%, UK 4.4% (2007)
$230.5 billion f.o.b. (2007 est.)
Import goods
crude oil, machinery, gems, fertilizer, chemicals
Main import partners
the People's Republic of China 10.6%, US 7.8%, Germany 4.4%, Singapore 4.4%
Public Debt: $149.2 billion (2007)
Revenues: $141.2 billion (2007 est.)
Expenses: $172.6 billion (2007 est.)

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